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Chat Now! Connect with LAZADA Sellers Live!

The largest online shopping portal in the Philippines, delivering Effortless Shopping in the country is taking another huge step in their mobile app! Do you have any questions, concerns, reactions? Ask the seller directly and have these answered live through the LAZADA app’s new function: Chat Now! This interactive part of the app allows the users to directly chat and IM the specific sellers of the products for more information. This function is easy to use and you can access it anytime within the app; whether you are choosing options from a category, accessing the app page, or even before check-out and payment! 

“Does this come in a different color?”, “Are there cheaper items than this?” “Is there a voucher for this product?” You can ask all these and more on the IM and the sellers will reply to you immediately. Spice up the exchange even more by using emojis, images, and others, so that your shopping can be more productive in your phone, and you get a clearer idea on what you are getting.  

Have any more suggestions and concerns about the sellers and LAZADA? Best message and get your ideas across as you Chat Now through the LAZADA App. The mobile application is now available for both iOS and Android!